夢二郷土美術館コレクション図録 竹久夢二 夢二郷土美術館所蔵 ベスト・セレクション
- お勧め商品
竹久夢二 夢二郷土美術館所蔵 ベスト・セレクション
Yumeji Art Museum Collection Catalog
Yumeji Takehisa Masterworks from the collection of Yumeji Art Museum
To commemorate the 140th anniversary of Yumeji Takehisa’s birth, the Yumeji Art Museum collection catalog features 323 color plates carefully selected works from the museum’s collection, including new acquisitions, and at the end of the book is a complete lists of the museum’s collection.
It also includes the manuscript of “The Singing Painter” by art historian Shuji Takashina, who served as president of the Takehisa Yumeji Society, and who passed away in 2024.
It includes the manuscript, explanations of the works, and translations of the titles of the works, making it a book that can be enjoyed by people overseas as well.
「夢二を育んだ郷土岡山の美術館」 小嶋光信
The art museum in Okayama, the hometown where Yumeji was nurtured
Mitsunobu Kojima
「歌をうたう画家」 高階秀爾
Ⅰ.夢二の絵画と造形 一青年期から晩年まで
Yumeji’s Paintings and Formative Designs : From Youth to Late Years
Japanese style Paintings, Oil Paintings, Watercolors, and Drawings
(Along with Handmade Dolls, Fan Paintings, Wooden Printing Blocks, and Diaries)
Ⅱ.版画の新しい世界 一大衆のなかの夢二の人気と広がり
A New World of Woodcut Prints : Yumeji’s Popularity and Reach Among the Masses
Pioneer of Design : From Taisho Romanticism to Showa Modern
Everyday Items, Written Works and Designed Books, Monthly Yumeji Picture Postcards,
Senow Music Scores, The Ladies’ Graphic
Ⅳ.人生と生活の証し 一夢二の遺品と書簡
Testimonies of Life and Living : Yumeji’s Belongings and Letters
作品解説 Works Commentaries
所蔵作品一覧 List of Works
竹久夢二 略年譜 Biography
商品基本情報 | |
素材 | 紙 |
サイズ | W226 × H302 × D21 mm(A4変型判) |
重量 | 約1.1 kg |
ページ数 | 207ページ |
カラー図版 | 323点(肉筆作品173点、木版画8点、その他142点) |
発売日 | 2025年3月27日 |
発行 | 公益財団法人 両備文化振興財団 夢二郷土美術館 |
印刷 | 山田写真製版所 |
デザイン | 原条令子デザイン室 |
配送 | ヤマト宅急便:〇 | 宅急便コンパクト:× | レターパック:× |
お届け日数 | 3~7日後 |
▶ 配送料について | ▶ お支払い方法について |